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Slipping Under The Home Buyers’ Radar

Slipping Under The Home Buyers’ Radar

Slipping Under The Home Buyers’ Radar

Choose an agent who totally understands how to position your property in front of buyers by using a variety of resources to ensure it’s seen by the maximum number of the right people.


Good old-fashioned ‘word of mouth’ and ‘networking’ are valuable tools, used by the best agents in the industry to put their sellers’ properties on the real estate radar. Whilst there are countless examples of properties that have sold using just this one method alone, you are potentially missing out on a much larger pool of cashed-up buyers if you don’t engage in a holistic marketing attack incorporating all the tools at your disposal.


For example, visually appealing and inviting signage in front of your property sings out to buyers and captures their attention. It says, “You know and love my neighbourhood, you know and love the street, you know how close I am to everything, and you know what I’m like from the outside… you’ve got to arrange an appointment to inspect me”. Buyers who enquire about properties after they discover them from For Sale signs are very strong prospects indeed.


What about Open Homes? We’ve all heard some horror stories from agents running Open Homes. And they’re enough to have you running in the opposite direction at a hundred miles an hour. However, a well-run Open Home that’s held with security measures in place and professional agency personnel on site is often a great way to introduce buyers to your property. It allows you to set aside very specific times where your property is available for prospects to see it. When well promoted, potential buyers can see that your home is in demand from a competitive marketplace too.


The list of resources available to the savvy real estate professional goes on and on; there’s advertising, brochures, window signage, internet listings, e-newsletters, SMS Marketing, Facebook/Twitter and more. They all work together. For example, if you were to live in the neighbourhood of a property you have seen for sale and were interested in it thanks to its prominent sign - and you were to receive a pamphlet in the mail or an ‘Email Property Alert’ promoting it later that day, it’d serve as a reminder wouldn’t it? Then you’d be compelled to visit the website for more information and a virtual tour. Gradually you are moved to make an appointment with the agent.


In the advertising world this is known as ‘frequency’. In reality it means that the more your home is promoted, the more it can seep into the consciousness of the public – and the more chance of an early sale.



The Key:


You can’t sell a secret. So if you want to sell your property successfully - and that means then you can’t afford to whisper. You need to shout from the rooftops!